A company that communicates with the world through the Korean Wave

P A N   E N T E R T A I N M E N T

It's the beginning of the Korean Wave and
communicating with the global market
Fan Entertainment
Fan entertainment is the beginning of Korean dramas.
We are a global media content group that is leading globalization with the word Korean Wave.
01 A company that develops core world-wide media
The original drama of the 2002 Korean Wave since its establishment in 1998 Starting with "Winter Sonata", Korean dramas have officially entered overseas markets Dozens of dramas that have made a big breakthrough in the history of dramas He produced his works, drawing attention not only in Korea but also on the global stage It produces content and is globally renowned due to constant communication and development It is a leap forward as a content company.
02 A company that makes something out of nothing
Find new opportunities, challenge and grow, Create new values through innovation and creativity. These are important parts of the market You'll be in the leading position.
03 A liberated individual who works by faith
Based on mutual trust and a free working environment In this environment, each individual or team Do your best and collaborate with your team. Creativity and creativity by achieving common goals We encourage innovation and achieve effective work.
Pan Entertainment

CEO Message

The outstanding planning and production systems of PAN ENTERTAIN- MENT have helped the company to become Korea's no. 1 international contents firm that had initiated Hallyu of the soap opera all around the world.
The center of Hallyu
As the most promising business, the media contents industry has been winning its fame from the world as Asia, the Middle East, Europe and South America. No one raises opposite views as to the fact that the media contents industry is the center of Hallyu fever. The various media contents of PAN ENTERTAINMENT that are leading the global para- digms are now changing the world. As a CEO of PAN ENTERTAINMENT, I promise you that we, my staff and I, will develop the company into a creative enterprise that will bring people in the world together with a value called a joy.
CEO Park Yeong-seok